
Knowing the farmer who grew your food is the best way to know if you are getting the freshest and healthiest food available.  Food today comes with all kinds of certifications and labels, like "non-GMO", "organic", or "all-natural".  These can be misleading and/or confusing.  It has been suggested that the most important certification you can look for in your food is "face certification"; can you look into the face of the people who grew this produce when you buy it?!


When you buy produce from 5 Loaves Farm you are investing in sustainable, local agriculture that restores health to the land we use, doesn't spray toxic chemicals on our food, and delivers produce to consumers at the peak of freshness, with most of our food being distributed to customers within a day of being picked!  Coming to CSfarm share pick-up, our farm stands, or seeing us as we deliver to your school, and receiving this food hand-delivered to you by the people that planted it as a seed, is the best kind of certification your food can have.

What a diverse team of neighbors & staff that makes 5LF work!

What a diverse team of neighbors & staff that makes 5LF work!

And what a large, diverse, incredible team of people we have growing your food at 5 Loaves Farm! Each comes with their unique background and set of skills that make the farm better.  Some of our staff have lived most of their life right here on the west side of Buffalo, while others were born half away around the world and have resettled with their families here.  Still, others are relocated from outside the city or out of state.  This incredible mosaic of faces reflects the dream we share for our community.  A place where people from all different backgrounds are united around good food as well as a love for this place, our neighbors that live here, and the One that brought us all together.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the equally incredible team of volunteers and supporters that also play a key role in 5LF being able to grow food for our community.  There are those that volunteer on Saturdays, or during the week, others that give their professional skills to help guide us as an organization, and those that support our work financially because they believe in our mission.

So next time you come to buy something from 5 Loaves Farm, at a farm share pick-up, the farmers market, as we deliver to your school, or as you stop by the farm...  Look around and notice the faces...  of both the fellow customers and supporters that help 5LF grow and of the farmers that work hard to lovingly grow your food!



